Free Spirit Ventures Inc. was incorporated in May 1979, in Smithers, B.C. Primarily involved with the Woods Industry, Free Spirit Ventures Inc. initially owned and operated a sawmill; contracted drilling and blasting, and safety consulting. Over time the company changed its perspective in each phase of its operation:
The sawmill became a raw stock supplier for a wood remanufacturing plant. Brian Brown was a partner in that facility. In 1987 Free Spirit Ventures Inc. divested itself of the sawmill, and Mr. Brown concluded his partnership with the wood remanufacturing plant.
The contract drilling and blasting were seasonal. Free Spirit Ventures Inc. became a vendor for ACE Explosives. In 1991 the drilling and blasting component was phased out.
The safety-consulting segment continued to grow over time. Free Spirit Ventures Inc. became a Registered Trades School, with WCB First Aid courses as the primary curriculum. In addition, the company offered First Aid Sales and Services. In 1991 the First Aid Division was sold, and Free Spirit Ventures Inc. moved to Prince George.
From 1991 to 1994, Free Spirit Ventures Inc. worked with environmental companies in developing new technologies, creating a Special Waste Facility and managing it for one year.
Since 1994, Free Spirit Ventures Inc. has been actively working with the Woods Industry, performing Safety Audits for both Sawmills and Logging Contractors.
During this time, Free Spirit Ventures Inc. worked on the Central Interior Logging Association - Forest Worker Training Strategy Report. Subsequent to this report Free Spirit Ventures Inc. created a successful proposal for the CILA on Forest Worker Basic Skills Training Program. The recent outcome of this endeavour is the present BC Logging Health & Safety Agency.
The former owner, Brian Brown, had been active in many Forestry orientated organizations that were concerned with the changes within the Forest Industry and the development of training programs.
Brian Brown was active on the Industry Task Force that created the Forest Practices Code Awareness and Skills Training Packages, as well as being involved in the development of the curriculum for the Forest Practices Code Program, which then led to his involvement in delivering the "Train the Trainer" sessions for this program.
Since its inception, Free Spirit Ventures Inc. has been involved in assessing the needs of the forest sector in terms of training and safety. Within the last few years, the company has expanded its consulting services to include the PetroChemical, Construction and Manufacturing sectors. Also during this time, the company became heavily involved in the development and facilitation of the Occupational Health & Safety Practitioner Certificate Program at the University of Northern British Columbia.
In 2018, the former owner Brian Brown retired and passed the business over to seasoned safety professional Hayden Greenshields.
It has been an aim of Free Spirit Ventures Inc. to bring practical, relevant and cost-effective consulting services to the clientele served. This Company has been successful in this endeavour and has contributed an enormous amount of time and effort in working with organizations throughout the industry in trying to achieve a higher standard of Health & Safety for employees and employers alike.